Bodyweight Training Pros and Cons

Before I get into this…for the most part it really depends on what your goals are that makes something a pro or a con. Also, keep in mind that there is a bunch of overlap when it comes to different training methods. I myself love to lift weights as well as use Resistance bands and other gadgets tools and toys when it comes to my training

Heres some info that may help

Here we go!


-Train anywhere

No need to drive to the gym as long as you know what you’re doing you can get started anywhere and anytime

-Less Expensive

Especially when starting out there is no equipment needed and as you progress the equipment needed is minimal and relatively less expensive

-More Creativity,Variety & Freedom of Movement 

As you progress there are more variety of exercises that you can do and ways that you can approach each exercise in order to challenge yourself and keep things interesting

-More Integration of body groups/Compound Movements 

Each movement or exercise requires you to use your entire or most of your body

Even if it is not apparent you will definitely feel the difference in efficiency if you get your entire body involved with each movement.

Just about every body weight exercises I can think of is a compound movement

-More Natural, Athletic and Functional & Multi dimensional

With body weight exercises we explore our bodies natural movement patterns. These are more functional movements that can apply to day-to-day life. 

This is definitely superior in building a mind-body connection and making our body more athletic developing balance and coordination depending on the exercise. 

It is multi dimensional in the sense that as you progress in bodyweight motions there is more opportunity to work on your mobility and flexibility in order to progress two advanced movements.

-More opportunity for burning fat

Especially when you consider tempo intensity and combining movements into a sequence and creating circuits, With proper exercise selection you can create a hell of a work out that challenge you to become a fat furnace

(As with anything what makes calisthenics and body weight training so good is also connected to its drawbacks)


-Harder to isolate muscle groups

If you’re looking to develop a particular muscle group it’s definitely harder to do this with body weight training 

Part of what makes body training so great is that it does require you to use most if not all of your body for each movement 

-More difficult to train around an injury

More of a continuation of the first con is that it is more difficult to get more specific on a particular joint or body part. 

Being able to isolate a particular part of your body is crucial for rehab and most corrective work

-Requires more Coordination & mind body connection 

Again part of what makes body weight training an asset can also make it a deficiency where it requires more of you. Especially when you’re first starting out if you don’t have the right attitude it may be easy to get discouraged if you’re not starting out with much coordination.

That isn’t to say that you can’t work on your coordination through bodyweight training! 

-Harder to progress

At least compared to weightlifting, it is not so apparent how to progress within bodyweight training.

As opposed to just being able to add weight, to progress in bodyweight training you have to have a better understanding of your body and leverage points

Even a small change in positioning can account for a 30 to 50 pound difference in load to accommodate for.

This could potentially lead to the training plateaus or hitting a wall when learning new skills IF you don’t know the necessary micro steps and motions to take.


Can not build mass or strength 

This is a popular believe but not true. Depending on the exercise that you’re working on And the way that you are approaching that exercise you can absolutely build mass and strength using just your bodyweight. 

Of course there’s other factors besides training that you have to take into account when building muscle mass or losing fat like rest do you handle stress and nutrition.

To wrap up my thoughts here on Body Weight Training I want to add that not only is this a great way to build endurance, stability, flexibility, mobility & coordination but through BWT you can give yourself an awesome foundation for weight training and other forms of exercise.

With these attributes in your body and the understanding of moving in space, the easier it will be to translate that wisdom of structure and issuing strength to lifting weights

I hope you got something out of this guys, if you have any questions or comments please leave them below 

If you’re looking to burn fat gain lean muscle and further master your movement in space sign up for my 30 day body armor challenge 

It will be the best $60 you’ve ever invested

You can opt in by clicking the link below

If you Have any questions please reach out by filling out the field below

Peace ✌🏻 


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