Why I do what I do?

There are many benefits to taking on an exercise program.

No matter what your modality, there are definite measurable positive changes that you will see in your life if you make the commitment and stick with a program for prolonged amount of time.

The reasons may differ for why you may start or recommit. 

These reasons can usually be thrown into two categories 

Inspiration or desperation 

Sometimes a combination of both

Unfortunately, in my experience, I’ve seen more people start a program and an act of desperation rather than inspiration 

I myself have started programs because I’ve been in crisis and when life would bring me down to my knees.

Usually, when things are going, OK, we’re usually not open to doing something new. 

It’s usually when we come to the realization that the way we’ve been doing things,

the way we’ve been looking at the world isn’t serving us towards the ideal situation.

If we have a resilient body, it is easier to have a resilient mind and heart that can weather the storms that life brings us in a dignified and graceful manner.

This is the virtue of bringing yourself to your limit on a regular basis. The easiest and quickest way to bring yourself to your limit is physically. 

Unfortunately, what I’ve observed in myself and other people is when your why is weak, you will waiver from the path.

Examples of a weak why; pride, vanity, fear, uncertainty, jealousy and envy to name a few

(Of course you can flip these into positive aspects)

I’ve come across so many people that are so deathly afraid of growing old or appearing old and weak.

I’ve come across so many people that are more concerned with how they appear than they are with how they will experience their precious and limited time left on this earth. 

Trying so desperately through different diets fads and routines to obtain a certain body type or size, image trying to recapture their glory days in their teens and 20s 

I’ve come across many people so concerned with attracting or maintaining a mate, a job, a life style an Image

Something that seems just beyond their grasp yet what the means and the ends are all within them.

Now this is not a declaration that we’re fine just the way we are and that we should do nothing and just passively allow our bodies to slowly decay, quite the opposite!

We need you Vital Present Determined no matter your age or condition!

I’m declaring that we should train our bodies and minds according to our purpose and season. 

If you don’t know what that purpose is, then you should really find out.

I can help you with that

and if you are one of those people who are so certain of your purpose, I ask you when was the last time that you checked in with this and your results so far? 

I can help you with that

I am of the belief that we are more than just rotting bags of flesh slowly being crushed and stretched out by the gravity of this earth

Grinding through this 3-D clock that we call a solar system.

I don’t believe that you are a body or a mind

I believe that you currently inhabit and operate a body and mind. 

There’s more to you than you can ever imagine!

What you think is possible or impossible is only a matter of perspective.

We are so much more than our body or mind or emotions or the stories that we tell ourselves!

Are you willing to explore this with me?  

Yes, I am interested in helping you obtain your goals,

but I also challenge you to dig deep and question your motivations for obtaining this goal.

There’s a few ways that you could work with me presently

No matter where you are

I run one group yoga class a week 

I am available for private sessions and programs

My app is also available 

It has a good balance of my favorite classes that I’ve led over the past couple years.

You could reach me through here Instagram Facebook message

Email omnislashfit@gmail.com

My number is 718-619-9959

Text or Call

Let’s get you going today!
